The Operation Doubles Tennis Newsletter
Yahoo Mail is bouncing the copies of "The Operation Doubles Connection" newsletter to many of its accounts with a "too many recipients" error.
That's a new one. What? Are all newsletters evil now?
I am still investigating to see if anything can be done about it, but it appears that the amount of spam breaking the Internet's back has become such a problem that some email services are using draconian measures to cut down on it and just recklessly dumping all newsletters.
I therefore recommend that you NOT subscribe to receive the newsletter at a Yahoo email address. (If you subscribed long ago and are receiving your monthly copy, you are OK because you are near the top of the list.)
Also, if you decide you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please follow the link at the bottom to unsubscribe: don't just mark it as spam, because others at your email domain do still wish to receive it. I can fix it when someone has done this, but not till after other subscribers have missed an issue.
If you ever do miss your monthly copy of the Operation Doubles Connection, a copy of the current issue is always available online via the link to it from here and via the "newsletter" link in the sidebar at right..
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