Henin wants no "politics" at Games
Abuse of the English Language Watch:
No, America isn't the guilty party - it's the bloomin' BBC!
Headline: World number one Justine Henin believes politics and sport should not mix at this year's Beijing Olympics.
So, when it's a certain Evil Entity Across the Sea, "politics" becomes "human rights." But when it's a country that executes people by the thousands for petty theft, cuts off hands and feet, commits genocide, arms and funds genocide, or commits abortions on women against their will, "human rights" becomes mere "politics."
Over the weekend it was reported that British Olympians would be prevented from making political comment at the Games in August. Belgium's Henin said: "Politics and sport must remain separate."
...China has been criticised for its human rights record and it is feared that some athletes, and possibly political activists, will use the event to make demonstrate against the Chinese government.
Note the failure to mention WHAT those "criticisms" are. Note the transubstantiation of "human rights activists" to "political activists."
And note the strange absence of all that humanitarian empathy there is supposed to be over there. Not to mention the abrogation of the right of British citizens to free speech.
Justine, if you decide to play in the China Olympics, and to keep your mouth shut, that's up to you. I won't second-guess you. Indeed, your right to remain silent is part of your right to free speech. But please then keep your mouth completely shut, sparing us the mockery of stinking it up by falsifying what is going on like that.
Labels: Justine Henin, Olympics
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