Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Asian Tennis Federation's Threats

Here is proof that the human race is getting stupider by the day: The Asian Tennis Federation says that in tennis, we must forgo competition and execute racial quotas. But just for Asians. The big tournaments must kick 25% of the world's best players out of the draws, giving those spots to Asians.

Or else.

Or else what? Or else "We have the money. We have a big population."

Sounds like extortion to me.

I am tripping over my jaw. Where does one start with such an absurdity as that? If you make sport unsporting, what have you got? Not sport, that's for sure.

Duh, do you guys in the Asian Tennis Federation have the faintest idea what sports is about? Do you have the faintest idea what "fair play" is?

Or did you miss that chapter?

This is stunning obtuseness. Prepare for farce: how much do you want to bet that legions of social engineers will be calling it exactly what it most ain't = fair?

FAIR is when merit, and merit only, gets you to the top.

Not your race. Not who your Daddy is. Not your income. Not your religion. Not your sex. Not nothing but how well you play tennis.

Too complex?

Nothing is more inherently unfair and prejudiced and discriminatory than giving Person B a higher place than higher-scoring Person A because of who Person B is.

The very idea flies right in the face of what sports is all about - right in the face of the concepts of a level playing field and fair play.

The Asian Tennis Federation has completely missed the boat about sports, which may be why the Asian culture doesn't produce many top competitors.

OK, a different culture. But I have a suggestion: If you want to participate in world tennis, just catch on, please. Then you won't need any unfair quotas to see Asians in the draws.

In fact, the way to make sure that Asian tennis never gets any better is to give Asian players these handouts.

Asians are perfectly capable of competing with West in anything they set their minds to. (The Japanese have proved that many times in many ways.) Therefore, how dare anyone insult them by insisting that they need the crutch of special treatment.

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