Tennis Fashion Statement
Yes, it is way out of character for me to give a whit about the tennis fashion scene. But I really do get a kick out of this blog.
I agree! He looks very good in red and white!

But wearing an outfit that IS your national flag makes no good impression on me either.
Note that it isn’t an American. It never is.
And yet, the patriotism of Americans is always confused with nationalism by those who wish to portray Americans as nationalistic. Result? Pot calling the china teacup black.
Patriotism isn’t nationalism. And nationalism can be as anti- a nation or group as pro a nation or group. For an explanation that clearly shows the difference, see George Orwell’s essay Notes on Nationalism.
Patriotism is just a form of fidelity, in this case fidelity to your country = your fellow citizens. It's like fidelity to a friend, a spouse, a family member, a teammate. Not a bad thing. You know - no "sunshine patriot" (as Patrick Henry called the greasy-handed) who go AWOL when "The British are coming! The British are coming!" Then all of a sudden, the betrayors don't like their country, aren't on its side, and loudly condemn it to make sure enemies don't consider them part of it = they wash their hands of their country. The moment it stops just giving them benefits while requiring little or nothing in return, they seperate themselves from it. Anyone with a nose knows what that is.
And, as Orwell points out, strong feelings of patriotism emerge only in DEFENSE (as after 9/11 or Pearl Harbor), never offense like strong feelings of nationalism do.
Nationalism is essentially a statement that "Our kind are better than your kind." A whole different thing than patriotism.
There is too much nationalism in international sports.
There I went and spoiled it by getting serious.
In the end, though, it doesn’t matter how you cut the gruyère — there’s no question that this guy can put together an outfit.
He sure can. Read the rest.
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