TM: Q & A on Positive Thinking and Imagery
By Tomaz Mencinger
I recently received the following question from a reader in Venezuela:
Hi, well this is my problem: I have a good and strong drive but sometimes when I am receiving the serve my return, unexplainabily, becomes too weak and goes to the net. Why? Concentration matter?
Does this ever happen to you too? If so, you might be interested in my answer:
One of the reasons why this happens is if you play "too careful". Especially if you are thinking that you "don't want to miss".
Although the intention may be smart - to keep the ball in play and be consistent - it is a negative intention - not to MISS.
If an image "missing" is present in your mind - it will tend to guide your body toward missing.
For the mind-body connection it doesn't matter whether you are imagining "missing" or "not missing". It's the same - there is an image of missing the shot that exists in your mind, and you are trying to NOT to make it come true.
Your body responds to images in the mind, not to logical words.
So in order to hit the ball IN, you need to see that in your mind. Imagine it going IN, not out.
Be decisive and play with a positive purpose.
Will you still miss some returns? Yes, but a lot less than if you had an image of "not missing" in your mind.
Best, Tomaz
Copyright 2007, Tomaz Mencinger -- all rights reserved worldwide
Tomaz Mencinger is an athletic consultant who works with nationally ranked juniors at the Tennis Academy of Asia in Thailand. He is also the author of The Mental Manual for Tennis Winners and The Tennis Strategy Encyclopedia and How to Play Tennis: A Step-by-Step Video Instruction Guide for Tennis Beginners.
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