It's Almost Painful
It's almost painful. It reminds me of back when I taught high school Biology. Every now and then a kid who was failing would say something to me like "Biology isn't working."
I suppose my eyes widened. Yeah, right: Biology was failing, not him. I couldn't resist asking, "Do you mean that YOU aren't doing well in Biology?"
I mean, if we don't even have that part straight, can we hope to address the problem? There's a mental virus in this attitude that dis-enables.
Tim Henman ain't 16. He's 32. Yes, I know the Brits have expected WAY too much of him, but give them a break: they invented the game, okay? Maybe they would like to see a Brit win Wimbledon every once in a while.
It's time to stop managing expectations, Tim. The only one's expectations you're managing are your own.
To play so consistently, to not drop serve having not played for so long, it was a bit surprising.
That's his comment after starting the season with a 6-1 6-2 win over France's Nicolas Mahut in Las Vegas.
BTW, Nicolas who?
Friday night, Saturday, I felt awful, I was feverish and not really enjoying my experience of Vegas. But by Sunday, I came out here and hit for half an hour, started to feel better and then today I felt good on the court.
I am just excited to be out on the court. I still think a little bit cautiously having had the knee injury and been out for quite some time, but to be playing with no pain and moving better and better is the most important thing."
So, it's a great achievement to just be out on the court, pain free, and moving a little better. Don't look for trophies anytime soon.

I love his game, but it seems more the product of function fitting form than the other way around.
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